Friday, June 11, 2010

The way I stand out in a chord and what makes me unique to my friends is my personality. I’m the type of person that is strait up with everything if you show me respect ill show it back to you. I’m known to be the crazy one in the group in always down to do something just on depending what it is because I aint going to get caught up for something very stupid. I like meeting new friends my friends like to hangout with me because the now I have there back no matter what happens. If you disrespect me best know you’re going to be checked and see what happens next.

I am very outgoing I’m down to try something new. I’m not the type of person to play games with I don’t have time for that. I’m always about my paper always got to make sure I have cash on my cause I aint no little scrub that’s broke ha. The things I want to be remembered for is always having money and being a bad ass football player that’s my goal this year at school this last year I really didn’t get known but I have a lot to prove about myself and laugh at all these fools.

On the field there’s going to be everyone going to the games because this is our first year of varsity and everyone is excited for that so that’s my time to shine and show everyone what I’m about. The greatest lesson I have ever been thought was never to regret anything in life or take anything for granted because you whole life can change if you don’t know where you’re going anything can happen one min you can be good then the next your whole world can crack.

 I was taught never to take people for granted because all it will do is bring drama and it always comes back to you so I always stay true. I aint afraid to die but at the slightest time anything can happen you can ever trust anyone on the street people can say there your friends but there really not I found out that my only real friends are my family because there the real ones that are going to be there for you for example what if you where having a good ass time with your friends and you guy get in trouble do you think your friends are going to be there for to help put money for you hell no but when you get tell that’s when there your best friends

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