Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My New Life

If I could start a new life and go anywhere I wanted to start everything new. I would leave boring old New Mexico because it is so boring here it’s nice to go somewhere other than the city. If I could leave I think I would end up in a little town in the state of Alabama or Tennessee. I would probably change my name to some country ass name like Todd and start living the country life in a small little house that was made way before my day.

 I could see myself having a pretty good job doing construction well living there and knowing everyone in the hood because it’s so small everyone knows everyone that’s one thing I do like about it there because I get along with a lot of people and know how to work with them. I would have a way better personality then I do now because I would be in a comfortable environment not like the city everyone don’t know how to act with each other but oh well I guess that’s life in the big city.

I would also be more outgoing because there is so much to do with all your friends from school. Alabama is so beautiful and green from the constant rain and the humidity air. If didn’t live in Alabama I could always hit the road to the next town and that would be south Pittsburg Tennessee its only like 30 min away from Stevenson. The High school I would go to would be North Jackson High School I’ve never been there in person but I have seen pictures and it’s just how I imagined big with a lot of students.

 I have family that live in Stevenson I have my Uncle that is a truck driver and my cousin Ben. If I did have that job I would do just fine I would find a house that I could afford by myself and find a real country girl with a good head on her shoulders. If I could leave right now I so would in a heartbeat. So my new name is Todd and I live in Stevenson I came from a family of 3 two brother and one sister we were all very close till we got older we all moved far away I stayed here with one of my bros my other one left with my sister in Dallas Texas.

 I had just graduated from high school I found a job on a construction site they paid ok money it was just the right amount for me because I was living on my own my brother had found himself a wife and got a house with her and the baby. It was summer time here in the south and it was really really hot so me and some of the guys said lets go hit up the river and go swimming for a while before we have to go back to work. So we got to the river and it look so fresh so I didn’t hesitate to jump in. There was a rope that someone had tied to the top of the bridge which we were under.

To use it you would have to climb up on a ledge on top of a little cliff that was about 30 off the ground. Right when you jumped I had to grab the rope and climb up so that I didn’t hit my feet on the rocks. We stayed there in till we had to go back to work. Working out there is a challenge but I knew I could do it, there was going to be a dance out in the country passed the city limit sights the join starts jumping right when the sun goes down the got whiskey,music,and smoke. Everyone in the town will be there and I think that’s cool when everyone comes out and has a good time together. Everyday there is always something new to do the best thing about the country is the nature and hunting and camping. It’s the best place to raise a family!

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