Monday, June 7, 2010

25 things

1. Take trip to Amsterdam

2. Win lottery

3. Go pro in football

4. Meet Megan Fox

5. Go to Metallica concert

6. Make sure family’s taken care of

7. Graduate from high school

8. Go to collage

9. Learn how to play the guitar

10. Learn to speak Spanish

11. Bungee jump out a plane

12. surf in Hawii

13. Own 10 rifles

14. Become a marine

15. get as strong as I can

16. lose the fear of death

17. Have kids

18. Own A 83 Chevy pickup

19. Travel back in time

20. Buy my niece anything she wants

21. Buy my own house

22. Have two German Shepherds

23. Pay and smoke pot legally

24. Risk life for love ones

25. Have 20 tattoos!

First of all I would like to take a trip to Amsterdam for a week. I want to go there because I think it would be an amazing experience to see the sights and see how people live there compared to the US. One other reason why I would want to go there because you can smoke pot and not get in trouble ha-ha. One thing I would like to happen to me would to win the New Mexico lottery that would change my life so much I could get so much things to family and friends I could have money for college.

I would also buy my mom a brand new house that was payed for that way she didn’t have to work now more. I would also like to play football for the Dallas Cowboys one day before I die Dallas has been my number one time for so long before I could even walk I always had a Cowboys jersey on. I know if I want that to happen then I would have to work harder then another person I would have to be very dedicated and committed to my team and do the best I can. If I had that chance to meet Megan Fox I so would she is the girl that plays on the movie transformers to the people who didn’t know who she is.

I think that would be an experience because Megan is very famous and beautiful. The one concert I would really like to catch when they come back on tour would have to be Metallica because I’ve always liked there music the person that got me into rock would be my Dad I remember when I was little I would always put it on the famous song “One” that came out in 1990 three years before I was born. One thing I know for sure is that I know I will have my family taken care of and what I mean by that I will always make sure they have food to eat and a place to sleep and give them anything they need.

Im still a junior in high school so a very important goal is to stick with it and graduate because that’s going to determine what I’m going to do in the futer and then after high school I plan on going to collage I’m going to try to get into the university of Texas to become a Long horn I don’t know what classes I want to take but I will as time goes by. From being introduced to rock I would like to learn how to play the electric Guitar just as Angus Young he still is the lead guitar for the worlds famous band ACDC my goal is to be able to be as good as that. One other thing I would want to learn is how to speak Spanish better I can understand most the time when people talk to me but I just can’t respond back and if I do it sounds like crap.

 The craziest thing I would want to do in my life is to Bungee jump out of a plane I see people doing it on TV and it looks so fun. To make sure I’m going to have a good future and for my family is to join the US Marine Corp and serve my Country and know my love ones are safe. After the marines I want to own at least 10 rifles I want an Old Italian bolt action rifle similar one to the one Lee Harvey Oswald used in the assignation of JFK. I also want two kids when I’m in my 30’s I want one boy and girl or two boys.

 The truck I would like to own would be an 83 Chevy pickup truck they are very good to have there also very well for work and camping. In till I have kids I have my little nice to take care of anything she ask for I’m going to for her because she is the 1st baby in the family. The one thing I would like to do on my own is to buy a house just by myself to see what I can accomplish on my own an I didn’t need no one’s help. I really like dogs so I would want two German Shepherds because they are very good dogs and easy to train. Before my life time ends I would love to see the day that pot is legal and can smoke it when ever. Life is a risk and Im willing to risk it for anyone in my family because I know they do the same for me.

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