Tuesday, June 1, 2010

About Me

Life is so precious to me  becasuse all the wonder of things thats in this world that has happend to me my life aint the best in the world but I thank my mom everyday for bringing me in this world and to do her best at raising and having a good life. Life isnt about haveing things, it's about having your family at your side and caring for people. 

I think life is such an amazing thing because I'm always close to my family, I always ask everyone how there doing always trying to see them. I am a  loving person. I'm not the perfect person but I try to live my life day by day and help anyone with what they need help with.I remember this one time my cusin Ivan asked everyone to go help him go to the mountains chop wood,everyone didnt want to go because they knew it was hard work.

Then he had called me an I didnt even think about how hard its going to be I told him sure Ill go with you primo you dont have to ask me twice to help you out.! Im glad I am the person I am today because I have had alot of good times with family and friends. I mostly had good time with all my older cusins because all my aunties and uncles would want to have there time to be together.

 My cusin I spend the most with aint even like my cusin he's more like a brother If times where hard on my mom I could always turn to him for anything.! I am a loving person because I dont always put myself first the one person that comes before anyone would be my mom! because she is the most caring women you could ever meet and have in your life.

my mom was raised without her mom and she didnt want do be the same so she gave us all the love and kindness that she never got.! I love my mom so much she has always been there for me she always had me and my older sisters a place to stay always had food for us too eat.

 Dont get me wrong I love my Dad to he just had made some mistakes back then Like always putting beer and drugs before are family and always being mad about something always being in a pissed of mood. Now he is trying to do better in his life I still love him I remember when I was little I would always be with my Dad I would always want to be with him then when I strated getting older.

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