Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Story

Andy and some of his friends are going to the Beach today because it is very hot outside. Brandy had seen Andy earlier that day at the store buying things to take to the beach and told him hey you going to the beach can me and my friends go? Certainly Andy said back to her that sounds like a good idea did you need a ride he says? Dude I got my car its cool brandy said but thank you anyways so I’ll see you there like around 1pm k. Eventually that day will come when Andy tells Brandy how he feels about her has had the same crush on her since middle school but never told her.

 Finally when the time came to meet everyone at the beach when Andy pulled up on the dirt road on a trail leading to the water he sees a bight beautiful day in front of him. Giant waves are splashing on the shore on the beach and everyone is having a good time drinking beer and throwing the football around. Happily Andy sees Brandy and asks her do you want to go for a walk along the shore? I think I will she said back to him with surprise without words she can see he’s into her.

 Just right when they start walking there was a pelican on the ground full of oil and couldn’t fly! Kids on the beach see that were helping the bird and asked what happened to it and what’s it covered with we both say oil. Let me help you he asked we she its ok we already took care of it thank you so much though! Mean while after we cleaned it off we continue are walk and started talking helping that bird together brought them too even closer so he takes her by the hand and she turns and smiles.

Nowhere to be found the young couple have talked and walked for a few miles and start heading to their friends to see what they’re doing. Off to the left they see their friends packing up everything to head home but Brandy wants to stay to see the sun set off into the Ocean. People are leaving to their cars and trucks soon after that there’s no one on the beach just them to the sun looks so beautiful in this image it looks like its dropping into the ocean just like someone picking it up and dropping it.

Quiet as ever looking into each other’s eyes waiting for the perfect moment of the day to finally to happen the kiss of Andy’s life! Rapid waves start to get closer to them so I think it’s time to leave Andy didn’t want to end. So he ask her is wants to go out tomorrow night for a movie and dinner she smiled and said yes. Tonight had to be the best night to come this whole summer! Unless tomorrow night will be better but I don’t think so because he worked so hard to get that first kiss. Wind blowing in my hair feeling like in on top of the world. You really got me girl I can’t get enough of you Andy tells all his friends. Zoom into the future waiting to see her again.

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