Thursday, June 10, 2010

How To

First you would have to talk to your football coach about the program especially you New Year comers. Football is a really taught sport you really have to be dedicated and committed to your team you also have to do good in school and make grades because if you don’t you would have to take summer school and miss out on learning what to do. The first day of practice will start like in June like a week after school ends for summer for the first couple of weeks all we would be doing is running and agilities and lifting weights.

 If you’re a new coming freshmen then the team you will be one will be C-team but if you’re really good and show up to practice every day there is a good possibility that you can move up to JV or maybe even Varsity. I have been playing the sport for more than seven years ever since I played my first year of yafle I fell in love with the sport because I like to run and be in shape ever since that I stuck with it now I’m a Junior in High school this will be my first year of varsity so all you people out there see you on the field.

The best way to know how to play is to listen to your coaches everything your coaches teach you works. Before running or doing workouts the best thing to do is stretch because if you don’t after you’re done or even right in the middle of your workout you can come across a nasty crap or even might pull a muscle and be out for the rest of the season so you best stretch if you don’t want that to happen. One other thing get a good pair of running shoes and pair of cleats and another thing try to eat and gain as much weight as possible you want to do that because there’s going to be real big dudes you’re going to have to go up agents.

 Well it also depends on what position you want and you just can’t pick what you want to do on are field you have to earn your spot if you slack off there’s a good chance you could lose your spot. Now if you don’t know how to make a perfect tackle listen up every good because II don’t want to hear about some kid braking there neck because they didn’t have their head up.

 What you going to do is charge at your Aponte either for the side or strait up the middle KEEP YOUR HEAD UP and rap up and drive your helmet strait into his chest and take him to the ground. If you really want to be a good player don’t be scared to hit or get hit because if you get scared then you Aponte is going to see that and rock you NEVER so that you’re hurting even if you’re real tired ask your coach for a brake then get back on the field because your team needs you out there.

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