Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last Day Of Class!!!!

This year of summer school when by fast I’m kind of glad I had to take this class because I’ve learned more about writing and that will do me better of next year. I learned how to write an essay the right way and the ways there suppose to be written. What I learned about myself is that I didn’t think I could do all these writing essays But I just put my mind to it and now I can write a 500 word assignment in less than 30 minutes.

I never thought I could be a writer but I wasn’t going to quit because that just not me if I say ima do it it’s going to be done. I also learned that I had my own voice I had it all along but I just never used it till now. The power of my voice is so strong because it can make a difference in situations just like how I wrote a letter to the president of the USA about the tragic incident with the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico I know my voice is did matter in the letter because I believe that he is doing his best to put a stop to the oil.

 Now that I know how to write better if I have to do a writing assignment in the future I’ll be able to bust it out with no problem thanks to one of the coolest teachers I had here at Atrisco he and myself had made a better person out of me by writing and expressing how I feel when I write.

 The ability I can do now as a better writer is be able to put as many words in an essay as I can. When we first started writing on the computer I didn’t know that much about writing just the basic things that previous teachers thought me but I guess they didn’t teach that good working with Mr. Leh I found a voice I found it by him pushing me to the limit to be better that was a good lesion I learned well being here in summer school is try to do my best and not to give up on something and to stay focused on what’s important.

 I didn’t expect to do all these assignments because when we first started coming to the lab back when we were in school I would fall a little behind on the writing but then the first couple day of summer school we would do these essays and I really told myself I could get these done and now it easy. After being in this class I’ve really improved in a lot I can now spell and read better and faster.

All I could say now is thank you for showing me I could make it out of this and becoming a better writer now that I know what I’m doing I think I’ll take writing more serious when I come back to school. So see all you next year as Juniors!!

Monday, June 14, 2010

School Uniforms

If I was called to the principal’s office to share my thoughts and options on whether we should have a school uniform. I would have to go agents this argument because that would be a waste of money to keep having to buy more uniforms I think it would be good for a middle school or elementary school but not a High School and none of the students would want to wear them.

 Uniforms are not cheap and this is a good reason to be against school uniforms. Because students are constantly growing and not fitting in there cloths, there is a captive market for new school clothes and manufacturers take advantage. However, large volume manufacturers are producing very cheap clothing for younger pupils at the moment so this argument against school uniforms may not stand up to too much scrutiny. A uniform breeds uniformity.

We need free thinking students to become the thinkers of tomorrow, not drones who will continue making the mistakes of previous generations. When we argue against school uniforms we argue against an education system that seeks to produce workers and for an education system that seeks to produce enlightened fully rounded human beings. Schools that say uniforms will cut down on bullying are wrong because no whatever what students will always find a way to pass judgment upon their peers. The clothes are not the main cause of bullying and therefore the bullying will continue, regardless of dress policy.

 No matter what clothing rules apply, students will always find ways to pass judgment upon each other. School uniforms would mess up people’s lives because Students in school need to learn to express themselves, and their wardrobe choices are one way of doing this. When they force every student to dress just like all his peers, we take away his / her freedom to choose how a student wants to represent themselves through his clothing. Additionally, some uniforms may conflict with a student's religious beliefs and practices regarding proper attire.

If we had to wear them then the teachers would have an even harder time with students because they will argue about tucking in their shirts and about sagging. School administration may require a school uniform when it has an overwhelming need to put into place. That would be agreeable, but to put school uniforms into effect a vote must occur with the parents of the school district before bringing the idea up with the school board

Friday, June 11, 2010

The way I stand out in a chord and what makes me unique to my friends is my personality. I’m the type of person that is strait up with everything if you show me respect ill show it back to you. I’m known to be the crazy one in the group in always down to do something just on depending what it is because I aint going to get caught up for something very stupid. I like meeting new friends my friends like to hangout with me because the now I have there back no matter what happens. If you disrespect me best know you’re going to be checked and see what happens next.

I am very outgoing I’m down to try something new. I’m not the type of person to play games with I don’t have time for that. I’m always about my paper always got to make sure I have cash on my cause I aint no little scrub that’s broke ha. The things I want to be remembered for is always having money and being a bad ass football player that’s my goal this year at school this last year I really didn’t get known but I have a lot to prove about myself and laugh at all these fools.

On the field there’s going to be everyone going to the games because this is our first year of varsity and everyone is excited for that so that’s my time to shine and show everyone what I’m about. The greatest lesson I have ever been thought was never to regret anything in life or take anything for granted because you whole life can change if you don’t know where you’re going anything can happen one min you can be good then the next your whole world can crack.

 I was taught never to take people for granted because all it will do is bring drama and it always comes back to you so I always stay true. I aint afraid to die but at the slightest time anything can happen you can ever trust anyone on the street people can say there your friends but there really not I found out that my only real friends are my family because there the real ones that are going to be there for you for example what if you where having a good ass time with your friends and you guy get in trouble do you think your friends are going to be there for to help put money for you hell no but when you get tell that’s when there your best friends

Dear President Obama:

My name is David Fragua and I’m writing you this letter out of  Albuquerque New Mexico. In this letter I’m writing you today will be about the Gulf oil spill. I’m not trying too bug you about it I know it’s a hard task to complete to stop the oil from leaking out of that big gash in the pipes. There does need to be a stop thought because as we know we’re really destroying are ecosystem and all sorts of animals are dying. I figured that you never intended this to happen who would and I know you’re doing your best to stop it. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”. “Walt Disney”

This is one of my favorite quotes by the famous Walt Disney that’s how I think it’s supposed to be like about the Gulf the people that are in charge should stop witling the thumbs and find away to stop the leak we Americans can put a man on the moon but it takes us almost three months to stop one leak that’s pumping out millions of gallons of oil! “What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals. “Zig Ziglar”

 I know when you achieve your goal the world will see that you are going to make a change in America and that you’re going to stand by your promise. “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” “Albert Einstein” I put this Quote in my letter because our imagination is more important be in this one I think our knowledge is more important because we need to think of stopping this disaster. “I don't measure a man's success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits bottom.” General George S. Patton”.

 Right now I know were at the bottom but I know we will make it out of this and make it back to the top because you have the power to make it happen and I know you will make the right sometime soon. “Don't tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.” George S. Patton I think that is what you’re doing you probably are coming up with something that is going to shock Americans and do the unthinkable.” Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up.” Jesse Jackson.

Right now people are looking down on you because there hasn’t been a stop this. “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”. John F. Kennedy What I can do for my Country is help out anyway I can because for my kids generation I want them to grow up were there still animals in the Ocean for them to see. “It is wise to keep in mind that neither success nor failure is ever final”. Roger Babson. So never keep your head down always put or mind to it and you will bring us success.” Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off the goal”. Henry Ford we are at an obstacle as we speak but we just need to keep focused because I know your are just a man like I am we have to take one step at a time. Well thank you for your time get back at me Obama peace dude!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

My Story

Andy and some of his friends are going to the Beach today because it is very hot outside. Brandy had seen Andy earlier that day at the store buying things to take to the beach and told him hey you going to the beach can me and my friends go? Certainly Andy said back to her that sounds like a good idea did you need a ride he says? Dude I got my car its cool brandy said but thank you anyways so I’ll see you there like around 1pm k. Eventually that day will come when Andy tells Brandy how he feels about her has had the same crush on her since middle school but never told her.

 Finally when the time came to meet everyone at the beach when Andy pulled up on the dirt road on a trail leading to the water he sees a bight beautiful day in front of him. Giant waves are splashing on the shore on the beach and everyone is having a good time drinking beer and throwing the football around. Happily Andy sees Brandy and asks her do you want to go for a walk along the shore? I think I will she said back to him with surprise without words she can see he’s into her.

 Just right when they start walking there was a pelican on the ground full of oil and couldn’t fly! Kids on the beach see that were helping the bird and asked what happened to it and what’s it covered with we both say oil. Let me help you he asked we she its ok we already took care of it thank you so much though! Mean while after we cleaned it off we continue are walk and started talking helping that bird together brought them too even closer so he takes her by the hand and she turns and smiles.

Nowhere to be found the young couple have talked and walked for a few miles and start heading to their friends to see what they’re doing. Off to the left they see their friends packing up everything to head home but Brandy wants to stay to see the sun set off into the Ocean. People are leaving to their cars and trucks soon after that there’s no one on the beach just them to the sun looks so beautiful in this image it looks like its dropping into the ocean just like someone picking it up and dropping it.

Quiet as ever looking into each other’s eyes waiting for the perfect moment of the day to finally to happen the kiss of Andy’s life! Rapid waves start to get closer to them so I think it’s time to leave Andy didn’t want to end. So he ask her is wants to go out tomorrow night for a movie and dinner she smiled and said yes. Tonight had to be the best night to come this whole summer! Unless tomorrow night will be better but I don’t think so because he worked so hard to get that first kiss. Wind blowing in my hair feeling like in on top of the world. You really got me girl I can’t get enough of you Andy tells all his friends. Zoom into the future waiting to see her again.

How To

First you would have to talk to your football coach about the program especially you New Year comers. Football is a really taught sport you really have to be dedicated and committed to your team you also have to do good in school and make grades because if you don’t you would have to take summer school and miss out on learning what to do. The first day of practice will start like in June like a week after school ends for summer for the first couple of weeks all we would be doing is running and agilities and lifting weights.

 If you’re a new coming freshmen then the team you will be one will be C-team but if you’re really good and show up to practice every day there is a good possibility that you can move up to JV or maybe even Varsity. I have been playing the sport for more than seven years ever since I played my first year of yafle I fell in love with the sport because I like to run and be in shape ever since that I stuck with it now I’m a Junior in High school this will be my first year of varsity so all you people out there see you on the field.

The best way to know how to play is to listen to your coaches everything your coaches teach you works. Before running or doing workouts the best thing to do is stretch because if you don’t after you’re done or even right in the middle of your workout you can come across a nasty crap or even might pull a muscle and be out for the rest of the season so you best stretch if you don’t want that to happen. One other thing get a good pair of running shoes and pair of cleats and another thing try to eat and gain as much weight as possible you want to do that because there’s going to be real big dudes you’re going to have to go up agents.

 Well it also depends on what position you want and you just can’t pick what you want to do on are field you have to earn your spot if you slack off there’s a good chance you could lose your spot. Now if you don’t know how to make a perfect tackle listen up every good because II don’t want to hear about some kid braking there neck because they didn’t have their head up.

 What you going to do is charge at your Aponte either for the side or strait up the middle KEEP YOUR HEAD UP and rap up and drive your helmet strait into his chest and take him to the ground. If you really want to be a good player don’t be scared to hit or get hit because if you get scared then you Aponte is going to see that and rock you NEVER so that you’re hurting even if you’re real tired ask your coach for a brake then get back on the field because your team needs you out there.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My New Life

If I could start a new life and go anywhere I wanted to start everything new. I would leave boring old New Mexico because it is so boring here it’s nice to go somewhere other than the city. If I could leave I think I would end up in a little town in the state of Alabama or Tennessee. I would probably change my name to some country ass name like Todd and start living the country life in a small little house that was made way before my day.

 I could see myself having a pretty good job doing construction well living there and knowing everyone in the hood because it’s so small everyone knows everyone that’s one thing I do like about it there because I get along with a lot of people and know how to work with them. I would have a way better personality then I do now because I would be in a comfortable environment not like the city everyone don’t know how to act with each other but oh well I guess that’s life in the big city.

I would also be more outgoing because there is so much to do with all your friends from school. Alabama is so beautiful and green from the constant rain and the humidity air. If didn’t live in Alabama I could always hit the road to the next town and that would be south Pittsburg Tennessee its only like 30 min away from Stevenson. The High school I would go to would be North Jackson High School I’ve never been there in person but I have seen pictures and it’s just how I imagined big with a lot of students.

 I have family that live in Stevenson I have my Uncle that is a truck driver and my cousin Ben. If I did have that job I would do just fine I would find a house that I could afford by myself and find a real country girl with a good head on her shoulders. If I could leave right now I so would in a heartbeat. So my new name is Todd and I live in Stevenson I came from a family of 3 two brother and one sister we were all very close till we got older we all moved far away I stayed here with one of my bros my other one left with my sister in Dallas Texas.

 I had just graduated from high school I found a job on a construction site they paid ok money it was just the right amount for me because I was living on my own my brother had found himself a wife and got a house with her and the baby. It was summer time here in the south and it was really really hot so me and some of the guys said lets go hit up the river and go swimming for a while before we have to go back to work. So we got to the river and it look so fresh so I didn’t hesitate to jump in. There was a rope that someone had tied to the top of the bridge which we were under.

To use it you would have to climb up on a ledge on top of a little cliff that was about 30 off the ground. Right when you jumped I had to grab the rope and climb up so that I didn’t hit my feet on the rocks. We stayed there in till we had to go back to work. Working out there is a challenge but I knew I could do it, there was going to be a dance out in the country passed the city limit sights the join starts jumping right when the sun goes down the got whiskey,music,and smoke. Everyone in the town will be there and I think that’s cool when everyone comes out and has a good time together. Everyday there is always something new to do the best thing about the country is the nature and hunting and camping. It’s the best place to raise a family!

Monday, June 7, 2010

25 things

1. Take trip to Amsterdam

2. Win lottery

3. Go pro in football

4. Meet Megan Fox

5. Go to Metallica concert

6. Make sure family’s taken care of

7. Graduate from high school

8. Go to collage

9. Learn how to play the guitar

10. Learn to speak Spanish

11. Bungee jump out a plane

12. surf in Hawii

13. Own 10 rifles

14. Become a marine

15. get as strong as I can

16. lose the fear of death

17. Have kids

18. Own A 83 Chevy pickup

19. Travel back in time

20. Buy my niece anything she wants

21. Buy my own house

22. Have two German Shepherds

23. Pay and smoke pot legally

24. Risk life for love ones

25. Have 20 tattoos!

First of all I would like to take a trip to Amsterdam for a week. I want to go there because I think it would be an amazing experience to see the sights and see how people live there compared to the US. One other reason why I would want to go there because you can smoke pot and not get in trouble ha-ha. One thing I would like to happen to me would to win the New Mexico lottery that would change my life so much I could get so much things to family and friends I could have money for college.

I would also buy my mom a brand new house that was payed for that way she didn’t have to work now more. I would also like to play football for the Dallas Cowboys one day before I die Dallas has been my number one time for so long before I could even walk I always had a Cowboys jersey on. I know if I want that to happen then I would have to work harder then another person I would have to be very dedicated and committed to my team and do the best I can. If I had that chance to meet Megan Fox I so would she is the girl that plays on the movie transformers to the people who didn’t know who she is.

I think that would be an experience because Megan is very famous and beautiful. The one concert I would really like to catch when they come back on tour would have to be Metallica because I’ve always liked there music the person that got me into rock would be my Dad I remember when I was little I would always put it on the famous song “One” that came out in 1990 three years before I was born. One thing I know for sure is that I know I will have my family taken care of and what I mean by that I will always make sure they have food to eat and a place to sleep and give them anything they need.

Im still a junior in high school so a very important goal is to stick with it and graduate because that’s going to determine what I’m going to do in the futer and then after high school I plan on going to collage I’m going to try to get into the university of Texas to become a Long horn I don’t know what classes I want to take but I will as time goes by. From being introduced to rock I would like to learn how to play the electric Guitar just as Angus Young he still is the lead guitar for the worlds famous band ACDC my goal is to be able to be as good as that. One other thing I would want to learn is how to speak Spanish better I can understand most the time when people talk to me but I just can’t respond back and if I do it sounds like crap.

 The craziest thing I would want to do in my life is to Bungee jump out of a plane I see people doing it on TV and it looks so fun. To make sure I’m going to have a good future and for my family is to join the US Marine Corp and serve my Country and know my love ones are safe. After the marines I want to own at least 10 rifles I want an Old Italian bolt action rifle similar one to the one Lee Harvey Oswald used in the assignation of JFK. I also want two kids when I’m in my 30’s I want one boy and girl or two boys.

 The truck I would like to own would be an 83 Chevy pickup truck they are very good to have there also very well for work and camping. In till I have kids I have my little nice to take care of anything she ask for I’m going to for her because she is the 1st baby in the family. The one thing I would like to do on my own is to buy a house just by myself to see what I can accomplish on my own an I didn’t need no one’s help. I really like dogs so I would want two German Shepherds because they are very good dogs and easy to train. Before my life time ends I would love to see the day that pot is legal and can smoke it when ever. Life is a risk and Im willing to risk it for anyone in my family because I know they do the same for me.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

My Scary Story

 Once upon a time there was a man named Kurt. Kurt and his girlfriend and a couple more friends went on a camping trip in the mountains. They have been planning this trip for over a year now for the last couple of days they were talking about nothing more about this trip.

 On the day of the trip Kurt and all his friends head out they are all going to fit in Kurts lifted Chevy truck. Kurt was one of those person that always needed to to have safety gear he was armed with two glock 45"s and one Old Italian bolt action rifle. So he thought he was going to be ok little did he know there was more out there other then some bears in the woods.

 It took all day to find the perfect place to stop and make camp Kurt didn’t find a spot so they went even further into the mountains where it was very easy to get lost. Finally they start setting up camp next to a very good view off a cliff. Kurt ask his friend jerry if he could get him his box full of shells for his weapons as he started to load his gun he went for a walk to go find some fire wood to make a fire because it was starting to get dark and they couldn’t see what they were doing!

 When Kurt got back from getting wood he sits down to talk to his girlfriend brandy and tells her he had a feeling that something or someone was watch him because whenever he would walk he could hear something in the woods moving with him. Brandy just tells him I think your tripping dude so Kurt thinks to himself damn I think this chick is right so he starts relaxing enjoying the fire drinking a nice cold beer. Soon after a night of beer drinking Brandy asks Kurt where can she go to the bathroom?

Kurt tells her damn babe your S.o.l ha-ha where a long way from a rest room so she goes on her own into the dark wilderness with only a flash light . It’s been about 10 min since brandy left Kurt and his friend jerry go on their own mission to go find her to make nothing bad has happened to her. About a mine into the hike jerry had seen a bloody path on the trail and turns to Kurt and tells him to look and Kurt tells him what the hell is that dude!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

About Me

Life is so precious to me  becasuse all the wonder of things thats in this world that has happend to me my life aint the best in the world but I thank my mom everyday for bringing me in this world and to do her best at raising and having a good life. Life isnt about haveing things, it's about having your family at your side and caring for people. 

I think life is such an amazing thing because I'm always close to my family, I always ask everyone how there doing always trying to see them. I am a  loving person. I'm not the perfect person but I try to live my life day by day and help anyone with what they need help with.I remember this one time my cusin Ivan asked everyone to go help him go to the mountains chop wood,everyone didnt want to go because they knew it was hard work.

Then he had called me an I didnt even think about how hard its going to be I told him sure Ill go with you primo you dont have to ask me twice to help you out.! Im glad I am the person I am today because I have had alot of good times with family and friends. I mostly had good time with all my older cusins because all my aunties and uncles would want to have there time to be together.

 My cusin I spend the most with aint even like my cusin he's more like a brother If times where hard on my mom I could always turn to him for anything.! I am a loving person because I dont always put myself first the one person that comes before anyone would be my mom! because she is the most caring women you could ever meet and have in your life.

my mom was raised without her mom and she didnt want do be the same so she gave us all the love and kindness that she never got.! I love my mom so much she has always been there for me she always had me and my older sisters a place to stay always had food for us too eat.

 Dont get me wrong I love my Dad to he just had made some mistakes back then Like always putting beer and drugs before are family and always being mad about something always being in a pissed of mood. Now he is trying to do better in his life I still love him I remember when I was little I would always be with my Dad I would always want to be with him then when I strated getting older.


I am outgoing and fun
I wounder if I will ever gain wight
I hear the crowd sreaming my name
I see myself going to a Cowboy game.
I want to become something famous
I am outgoing and fun

I pretend going into the big league
I fell the sun beating down on me
I touch the grass on the feild
I worry to get hit and become paralyzes
I cry when we win
I am outgoing and fun

I understand I will make it
I say let the game begin
I dream to be the best
I try to make my dream come true
I hope to see myself suceed
I am outgoing and fun

I listen to music constenlly
Music is the best thing in life
Without music I am dead